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Cessna 182K

1967 Cessna 182K with O-470-R and constant speed prop available for partnership. Amazing opportunity for well-funded pilots to partner with an A&P IA in a great cross-country aircraft with extensive recent restoration. All the footwork is done, join an airworthy flying aircraft today! Not ideal for primary instruction, but amazing cross country machine that will take the family easily.

Cessna 182K

General Specs:

Year: 1967
Make/Model: Cessna Skylane 182k
Registration: N2781Q
Serial Number: 18257981
Hangar location: Lincoln Ca

TACH: 2465.6
ACTT: 4985.7
ENGTT: 2543.5
ENGTSO: 956.1
PROPTT: 1806.6
PROPAD: 622.6

Shares Available: 2/3
New Member Deposit: $1000 - Used for financial and background checks - legal review of partnership.
Equity Buy In: dependent on market value
Monthly: dependent on partner preferences.
Operation: dependent on partner preferences and partnership structure.

Important note: Partnership should be structured so that unused fixed and variable costs will be retained as reserve accounts - Owners of a partnership would not lose these unspent funds. Future fixed and variable costs are decided by past expenses. Operational costs are estimated and will fluctuate from year to year. Original offering is for 2/3 split with 2 shares available.

Detailed Description:

Amazing opportunity for well-funded pilots to partner with an A&P IA in a great cross-country aircraft with extensive recent restoration. Not ideal as a primary trainer or CFI training students.

1967 Cessna 182k recently underwent extensive restoration, upgrades, and repairs in 2018-2019. Landing gear and shimmy damper, cleaned, repainted and resealed, Engine mount overhauled, all engine controls replaced, exhaust replaced with new, replaced nose gear tunnel structure, replaced commonly rusted main gear aft spar support, resealed fuel selector, resealed brakes, master cylinders, replaced hydraulic hoses, Wings and tail surfaces removed for Cessna supplemental service inspections to be completed by borescope and NDT inspection. Left wing aft mount replaced, all surfaces and struts installed with new hardware, left and right fuel cells removed, cleaned, inspected, retaped and replaced with new cells, Aileron bell crank bearings removed cleaned and lubricated, elevator and rudder bearings replaced with new, Cies fuel senders installed and calibrated, EDM-900 primary installed with fuel flow and carb temp, BAS inertia reel seat belt stc installed, overhauled alternator installed, and tail beacon ADSB out installed.

Installed in 1996 @ 2004.2 Tach, 461 hours since install.
Terra TMA 350D Intercom
Terra TX 760D
Terra TN 200D
Terra Tri-Nav indicators
King KT 78A transponder w/encoder
Tail beacon ADSB out
Garmin GDL-52 ADSB and XM weather in

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